A: الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب
In the situation mentioned in the question, the sale price of the equipment is £186,000 and each heir will be required to calculate zakat for his/her own zakat anniversary for his/her own proportionate share of this sale price. Then, on each heir’s second zakat anniversary, each heir will calculate zakat on his/her share of the sale price less the zakat liable upon him/her the previous year. Then, on each heir’s third zakat anniversary, each heir will callculate zakat on his/her share of the sale price less the zakat liable upon him/her the previous two years. This will continue in the same manner until the price is received after five years.
And Allah knows best.
Mufti Mohammed Zubair Butt
Chair, Al-Qalam Sharia Scholars Panel