Q: Is it sufficient for the recipient of the advance payment of Zakah to be an eligible recipient at the time of receiving the Zakah or does one also have to be sure that this individual will be eligible on the actual future Zakah anniversary?
الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومنه الصدق والصواب
A: It is sufficient for the recipient of the advance payment of Zakah to be an eligible recipient at the time of receiving the Zakah. One does not have to ensure that this individual will be eligible on the actual future Zakah anniversary.
ففى الدر المختار: ( وإن ) وصلية ( أيسر الفقير قبل تمام الحول أو مات أو ارتد و ) ذلك لأن ( المعتبر كونه مصرفا وقت الصرف إليه ) لا بعده. (كتاب الزكاة ، باب زكاة الغنم ، 2/293)