Q: Respected Scholars,
Further to the Al-Qalam fatwa on the National Zakat Foundation (NZF) dated 25th February 2013, please can the Al-Qalam panel advise as to how the panel is assured that NZF does indeed adhere to the requirements of the fatwa?
الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب
A: Al-Qalam has an agreement with NZF to conduct periodical audits of their operations. We are able to confirm that Al-Qalam panel members did indeed visit the London shelter operated by NZF on 30th March 2013.
Further to this visit we can confirm the following:
- Al-Qalam are satisfied that Shari’ah requirements are being properly adhered to by NZF, as mentioned in the fatwa dated 25th February 2013, in regards to the manner in which zakat monies are disbursed.
- Al-Qalam have agreed to further six monthly on-site visits moving forwards, both to assist with additional fiqhi issues, as well as to ensure that the Shari’ah processes are being properly implemented.
- NZF further confirmed they have a 100% donation policy with regards to all zakat monies donated to them.
- NZF have also confirmed with regards to sadaqah donations, that they have a policy of ensuring a majority of these funds are utilised for benefiting applicants who would otherwise be entitled to receive zakat funds, with the remaining sadaqah funds being used exclusively for other NZF purposes (such as meeting staff salaries/administration, logistical and fund raising activities etc.).