Q: For a long time now I have decided to study accountancy and other finance based subjects at university and go on to do a masters degree in Islamic Finance. My understanding is that Islam does not permit any use of interest and even those who deal with interest i.e. accountants, have sinned just by processing the accounts etc. I have become very wary on going on to study these subjects at uni as it may affect any jobs I would apply for in the future. Would there be any point in me trying to pursue a career with such barriers or perhaps my understanding on the ruling of interest is incorrect?
الجواب حامدا ومصليا وميلما ومنه الصدق والصواب
A: Pursuing a career in the financial sector will always raise challenges of working with riba. However, subsequent reporting or accounting of riba is not prohibited. The Hadith in which the scribe and witnesses of riba are cursed, amongst others, relates to the scribe who prepares the document to evidence the transaction of riba and the witnesses thereto. It does not relate to the subsequent recording and accounting thereof.
ففى فتح البارى: وهذا إنما يقع على من واطأ صاحب الربا عليه فأما من كتبه أو شهد القصة ليشهد بها على ما هي عليه ليعمل فيها بالحق فهذا جميل القصد لا يدخل في الوعيد المذكور وإنما يدخل فيه من أعان صاحب الربا بكتابته وشهادته … (4/314(
وفى إكمال إكمال المعلم للأبّى: والمراد بالكاتب كاتب لوثيقة وبالشاهد المتحمل … وإنما سوى بينهم فى اللعنة لأن العقد لم يتم إلا بالمجموع. (4/279